Tuition & Fees
Fall and Spring Terms – Mid-August through May
Tuition and fees must be paid before students begin a lesson, class, or ensemble. All fees are non-refundable. Tuition is charged for the full semester; however, payment plans are available. Students may choose from two payment plans for the Fall and Spring terms:
1. Paid in full by the start of each term using cash, check, or PayPal.
2. Monthly installments using cash, check, or PayPal.
Students enrolling after the start of a term are eligible for pro-rated tuition, based on the start date of lessons. Recital Week is part of payable tuition and fees. Click here for Recital Week dates.
Music Lesson Rates
Private Instruction
We offer 30-, 45-, and 60-minute lessons. Due to variance in the number of lessons per term, please contact AFTA for specific tuition costs for a full semester.
30 minutes: $36.00/lesson
45 minutes: $54.00/lesson
60 minutes: $72.00/lesson
Audition Preparation Package
In addition to private lessons, AFTA offers an audition preparation package, designed to prepare students for honor ensemble or school/community musical theatre auditions. The package includes four 30-, 45-, or 60-minute private lessons for four consecutive weeks. No program fee required, but payment is required in full at the time of registration.
30 minutes $144 total/session ($36.00/lesson)
45 minutes $216 total/session ($54.00/lesson)
60 minutes $288 total/session ($72.00/lesson)
Group Instruction
Pricing for group instruction is available upon request. Contact AFTA for questions regarding specific groups and classes.
Minimum No. Of Students Required
30 minutes: 2 Students
45 minutes: 3 Students
60 minutes: 4 Students
Chamber Ensembles
Pricing for chamber ensembles is available upon request.
Harp Studio Class Series
Join other harpists in wonderful music-making led by AFTA Harp Faculty, Lelia Lattimore. Ensemble learning reinforces skills taught in private study, including listening, rhythm, intonation, and sight-reading abilities. It also allows musicians to encourage and support one another in a stress-free environment. Separate classes are offered for youth and adults. Contact AFTA for questions regarding specific dates. Payment is required in full at the time of registration.
Program Fee
The program fee, due at the beginning of each term, helps to cover costs associated with accompanists, administration, masterclasses, recitals, and receptions. The program fee, and all other fees, are non-refundable.
$50: Single Fall or Spring Term, Individual Student
$95: Combined Fall & Spring Terms, Individual Student
$90: Single Fall or Spring Term, Family (2+ Students)
$175: Combined Fall & Spring Terms, Family (2+ Students)
Summer Session – June – July
Summer tuition and the program fee must be paid in full at the time of registration. It is strongly encouraged that current students take some lessons during the summer session to maintain their level of study.
Music Lesson Rates
Private Instruction
30 minutes: $36.00/lesson
45 minutes: $54.00/lesson
60 minutes: $72.00/lesson
Summer Camps
AFTA offers a variety of day camps for school-age students. Click here to learn more!
Program Fee
The Summer Session program fee is $25 and is non-refundable.
Additional Fees
Students may need to purchase music or supplies at the recommendation of individual teachers. All fees are non-refundable.
Payment Policies
Late Payments
The Academy for the Arts reserves the right to charge a $15 late fee if tuition payment is not received by the 1st of the month, or adjusted due date listed on the invoice. AFTA also reserves the right to cancel and/or deny lessons for payments not received.
Monthly Installments (Fall and Spring terms)
Payment for each installment is due by the 1st of each month in a term, or adjusted due date listed on the invoice, regardless of when lessons are held. Contact the Academy office for specific questions regarding installment plans.
Summer Payment
The summer program fee and tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration.
Scholarship Information
Need-based scholarships are available. For more information, please contact AFTA by email or by phone.
Revised July 2024. Please note that all prices and fees are subject to change.